Join Roller Derby Today!
Blockhead Membership
Become a skater, offical, or volunteer
What does it take to be a Blockhead?
Be 18 years of age or older
Fill out our new member form
Understand and accept the inherent risks of roller derby and sign all appropriate waivers
Register for a free WFTDA Membership and sign annual WFTDA waivers & code of conduct
Skaters must attend at least 50% of practices per month
Non-skating league members must attend 1 practice per month
Pay dues, fees and WFTDA insurance:
$10 monthly dues to help support the team (applies to active skaters)
$15 monthly rink membership at Western Skateland with a $50 start up fee, our practice location (applies to active skaters)
*Other pay options are available, if interested please ask the rink
$75 annually for secondary insurance provided by WFTDA (once you become afiliated skater with the team or a skating official, non skating officials and volunteers will not pay this)
BOOMington Blockheads is a skater owned and operated roller derby league; league members must serve as a member of a committee (Events, Finance, Marketing, or Membership)
Come to practice with a good attitude and willingness to learn!
*Blockheads strive to minimize the cost barrier that comes with roller derby; if you have questions or concerns about cost, please contact us.
We are so excited you are interested in joining our team!
Got questions, confused? Contact us!